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Sichuan TIBO Fluid Technology Co., LTD

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Common faults and solutions for liquefied gas vaporizers?
Time:2011-5-23 Read:13613   Print || Close
Common faults and solutions for vaporizer:
I. Unexpected power outage
(1) Sudden power failure, causing the solenoid valve to be powered off to close the liquid inlet.
(2) The temperament is poor, the sewage is not completely exhausted, and the heavy components in the liquefied gas are coked, gradually clogging the carburetor coil, resulting in no gas.
(3) The gas consumption is too large, exceeding the rated amount of the vaporizer, and the gasification temperature cannot keep up, causing the solenoid valve to cut off the inlet.
(4) There is a valve that is not open, or there is no gas in the cylinder.
(5) The solenoid valve is damaged and it is not enough.
(6) The pressure regulating valve is faulty.
Second, the vaporizer does not heat up
(1) Power outage
(2) Loose wiring or temperature control instrument, contactor damage
(3) The vaporizer  is short of water or the returner is malfunctioning
(4) Excessive gas consumption
(5) Heater damage
Third, the temperature control instrument has no display or is not normal
(1) No electricity or fuse blown
(2) Temperature control instrument burnout

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           Sichuan TIBO Fluid Technology Co., LTD  
Tel:(+86)028-27011851   Fax: 028-27010655   蜀ICP备09010037号-2  E-mail:sctb@r-egroup.com  1621700193@qq.com

      Address:Xinshi industrial park, Jianyang City, Sichuan Province, China